XXIII IKA / Culinary Olympics 2012 Erfurt – rejestracja

Opublikowano: 28-04-2011


162 days – The draw for competition days at the IKA / Culinary Olympics 2012 starts at the town hall in Erfurt! All national Chefs Associations will receive an invitation by June.

Have you already registered your teams’ for the IKA / Culinary Olympics 2012 in Erfurt? If not – attached you will find registrations forms form junior and senior national culinary teams. All guidelines and detailed conditions could be find at www.olympiade-der-koeche.de

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards

Felizitas Laun
Verband der Köche Deutschlands e. V.
Steinlestraße 32
60596 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 69 630006-15
Fax: +49 69 630006-10
E-Mail: Felizitas.Laun@vkd.com



Senior National Culinary Team

Junior National Culinary Team

Zgłoszenia przyjmowane są do dnia 30 września 2011 roku.