
Opublikowano: 06-04-2010

ryz-odmiany.jpgThe history of rice is an ancient one, originating at least seven thousand years ago in Indochina.

The rice was transported to imperial Rome where it was looked upon as a miracle food capable of strengthening gladiator.

Rice was first cultivated in Europe by the Arabs but also in Sicily. It was also well known to the aragonesi who began cultivating it in the northern part of Italy. The spread of the culture of rice cultivation has continued to increase until today.

With about 230,000 hectares of rice fields, Italy is today Europe’s primary producer of rice. 90% of this rice is the japonica variety which is the only one amenable to the length of cooking time required to produce risotto.


risotto.jpgAccording to the first edition of the Larousse dictionary, risotto is an Italian dish composed of a blend of rice cooked in order to keep it dry as a whole, colored with saffron with butter and added grated grana cheese. This is confirmed by Escoffier the renowned French chef who defines risotto as an Italian dish in contrast to most parts of the world where rice is simply boiled and seasoned. Italian risotto from riso gallo is a product of slow cooking time and simmering in a large open pan in order that the rice can be stirred continuously to retain a constant temperature.


Risotto is the result of at least twenty minutes of care and attention to ensure that the added flavors are gradually absorbed. Special precious ingredients greatly enhance risotto. Saffron most definitly belongs to this category.

Refined simplicity is the key. This is common to both an exclusive recipe from top chef and that of a common household a slice of onion, little butter, a dash of wine and the ingredients of the season asparagus mushrooms, wild hops, sage. It must be said however that the quality of the rice can never be compromised not even in the simplest kitchens, only the following varities of rice are capable of absorbing the flavours and seasoning during cooking without loosing their consistency:

– carnaroli

– arborio

– vialone

ryz.jpgThey soften, but at the same time remain firm to the base, all the rest is the balance of cooking time and flavours. Altough risotto has ancient origins, it is modern in prepartion, it is both rich and nutritions, but versatile as far as ingridients are concerned it adapts well to the seasons.

Risotto is an express dish quickly prepared. It needs to be well thought out for a professional chef.  It is a challenge and embodiment of professionalism for the average housewife. It represents enjoyable cuisine and a research of culture that enriches tradition trough imagination. Risotto is a dish that continues to take inspiration from different origins and culture.

For me the best rice for it is riso gallos arborio and you can get it in many shops around Poland.